
Re-ment Sanrio : Hello Kitty & Dear Daniel Hinamatsuri

Hina-matsuri (Japanese Doll Festival), or Girl's Day is held on the 3rd of March. This day is celebrated with prayers for the happiness and health of young girls.

I have been wanting to collect Sanrio Hello Kitty x Re-ment sets since I've learned about it years ago. But I have been delaying my purchase whenever I see one for sale online. This set was something I've been eyeing since it was released but didn't actually made the purchase. Glad this online seller I've been buying my Hello Kitty from has this promo, she sold "Happy Set" which includes Hello Kitty cellphone strap, a plush mascot, a Re-ment set and other goodies for only P1000 (around $23). I got a set and inside was..


Hello Kitty & Dear Daniel - Hinamatsuri 

This set was released sometime in 2011 but I just got a hold of it last week. Loser I know. Hahaha!

I love the idea of this red box.
Re-ment sets don't usually have a box to where you can store them.

The box on the earlier photo was to serve as a platform when displayed.

This fueled my love for miniature cute-ness. Hoho! Next target set: Re-ment x Sanrio Hello Kitty Candy Mascot

First post seems to be always, always awkward.


This blog will be about the things that interests me, which is almost about anything and everything.
We'll see as we go by. ^_^
